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step wife meaning

  1. Urban Dictionary: Step Wife

    A second wifes husband's Ex-Wife.Especially when the step mother is raising the children as the full-time step mother. The boilogical mother is the step-mother's " step wife ". I am his second wife .

  2. What does Step Wife mean? - AZ Dictionary

    Home » Community Dictionary » What does Step Wife mean?

  3. What is the meaning of "step wife"? - Question about... HiNative

    Definition of step wife The phrase dpesn't make sense. a "step" relative is someone who is only part of your family by marriage.

  4. Что означает "step wife"? - Вопрос о Английский... HiNative

    Определение step wife The phrase dpesn't make sense. a "step" relative is someone who is only part of your family by marriage. For example, if you marry someone who already has a son, he becomes...

  5. Step wife: what is it? What does it mean?

    What is step wife? A wife's husband's "other woman" known to the wife; whether openly acknowledged or not. The legal wife of a woman's, generally a mistress, long-term boyfriend/lover/mate.

  6. Step-wife: what is it? What does it mean?

    Definder - what does the word mean? What is step-wife? A wife's husband's "other woman" known to the wife; whether openly acknowledged or not.

  7. Slang Define: What is Step-wife? - meaning and definition

    1. A second wifes husband's Ex-Wife.Especially when the step mother is raising the children as the full-time step mother.

  8. noun The ex wife of ones husband

    Look at other dictionaries: stepwife — (STEP.wyf) n. The current wife of a woman s ex husband; the ex wife of a woman s current husband.

  9. Step Wife – Defining Anything

    step mother. the boilogical mother is the step-mother’s “step wife”. i am his second wife. you didn’t know i had a step-wife? yeah, she gave us two beautiful little boys.

  10. Urban Dictionary: Step Wife

    A second wifes husband's Ex-Wife.Especially when the step mother is raising the children as the full-time step mother. The boilogical mother is the step-mother's " step wife ". I am his second wife .

  11. Step Wife meaning and definition

    What does Step Wife mean? Here you find 4 meanings of Step Wife. Step Wife meaning. This is the woman that has married your Ex-Husband.

  12. Step wife: what is it? What does it mean?

    What is step wife? A wife's husband's "other woman" known to the wife; whether openly acknowledged or not. The legal wife of a woman's, generally a mistress, long-term boyfriend/lover/mate.

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Отсканированные документы
urbandictionary.com ,azdictionary.com ,hinative.com ,ru.hinative.com ,definithing.com ,slangdefine.org ,wiktionary.en-academic.com ,www.definder.net ,meaning127.com ,
Поиск в поисковиках: google.kz ,google.ru ,google.com , yandex.kz ,yandex.ru ,yandex.com ,go.mail.ru ,bing.com


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