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    The signal strength can be viewed in the main window as a percentage, along with the precise date and time at which it was scanned. It is possible to copy the logs to the Clipboard, so that you can use...

  2. Any% Glitchless in 20m 54s 636ms by ArosityArosity... - speedrun.com

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    <p> За последние пять дней в плен России сдались 126 военнослужащих Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ). Данные привёл министр обороны РФ Сергей Шойгу. Глава Минобороны назвал...

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  8. Tiredoldman101 on Gab: 'Has anyone here had experience slicing and...

    Tiredoldman101 on Gab: 'Has anyone here had experience slicing and dehydrating muffins? I know, it's an odd thing to want to do. I found just 1 video on it, so I was wondering if anyone here had real-world...

  9. Just curious Zooville

    Hi! I'm kind of new to zoo related stuff and wow there's so much information o.o Recently as I've come to terms to how I feel regarding animals I became...

  10. Any% Glitchless in 20m 54s 636ms by ArosityArosity... - speedrun.com

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  12. Just curious Zooville

    Hi! I'm kind of new to zoo related stuff and wow there's so much information o.o Recently as I've come to terms to how I feel regarding animals I became...

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