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  1. Democrat operatives control voter-roll system in 31 states

    CEIR was one of two leftist groups which took “Zuck Bucks” from Mark Zuckerberg , and funded the private takeover of government election offices in 2020. The funding targeted blue areas of swing states, encouraging leftists to “get out and vote.” Some have also expressed the concern that ERIC...

  2. EV price hikes cancel out $7,500 tax credits offered by government...

    President Joe Biden recently signed into law the $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which includes $369 billion to tackle climate change and a number of proposals to try to convince Americans to go green. One proposal is a tax credit for electric vehicles (EVs). However, in the weeks pri...

  3. Government-approved weather manipulation led to 1952 Lynmouth...

    The 1952 flash floods that struck the village of Lynmouth in England were revealed to have been caused by weather manipulation. The deluge, which happened on Aug. 15, 1952, swept through the once-picturesque Devon county where Lynmouth is located. Nine inches of rain fell in the span of 24...

  4. Why natural alternatives are better than conventional underarm...

    Home Podcast Live TV Interviews Audio Books. Subscribe Shop.

  5. New study shows glyphosate crosses blood-brain barrier

    Home Podcast Live TV Interviews Audio Books. Subscribe Shop.

  6. Wisconsin airs warning over 97% rise in fentanyl deaths from 2019 to...

    The state’s health department made the announcement in an advisory to alert citizens about drugs flavored with synthetic substances, particularly fentanyl. The department stated it has noticed “an increasing number of overdoses related to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids over the past few...

  7. Numbers don’t lie: Data show that Biden’s “zero percent inflation” claim...

    Home Podcast Live TV Interviews Audio Books.

  8. Biden’s border policy is creating “the largest child smuggling epidemic...”

    Home Podcast Live TV Interviews Audio Books. Subscribe Shop.

  9. Detailed analysis shows clearly just how corrupt the FBI became in the...

    It has been said often that Donald Trump broke Washington, D.C., and the Republican Party, though both were really broken long before he came to be president. He just exposed how broken the system has become, and that is extremely evident when it comes to the FBI. The nation's top law enf...

  10. Democrat operatives control voter-roll system in 31 states

    CEIR was one of two leftist groups which took “Zuck Bucks” from Mark Zuckerberg , and funded the private takeover of government election offices in 2020. The funding targeted blue areas of swing states, encouraging leftists to “get out and vote.” Some have also expressed the concern that ERIC...

  11. Why forests need wildfires The Economist

    Last year California saw the second largest fire in its history blaze through more than 950,000 acres, an area about the size of Rhode Island.

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